Oh, Unity Fire, descend into my Life and give Illumination to my Consciousness, lifting it to CHRIST CONSCIOUS level!
Saturate by Yourself each my body cell! Seal all old world sources, and bring Your Energy into the New World!
Oh, Unity Fire, create our Life in great Harmony with Cosmos!
Saturate People’s Souls with \ by Your Grace, and this way LOVE and Reverence could rein among all Forms of LIFE on our Planet.
Oh, invincible Unity Flame, we shall visualize our Oneness with the Planet and the Whole World of Cosmos at large!
Oh, Unity Fire, release us from the duality shackles and help the Planet and all Nations – forms of Life, developing on it, to go smoothly through ASCENSION and tap into the Higher Dimensions.
Oh, Unity Fire, take our LOVE and connect us with Our Heavenly FATHER-MOTHER-GOD through You!
Thank You for coming — descending to the Earth!
The Unity Fire Higher Priest
Through Marina Shultz,
07 – 17 -2011
Translated from Russian
Larisa7777@aol.com Larisa Bartone