Магниты Духа

EL MORYA after «11-11-11» Service in Aglona

(Karalya Kalns) Latvia

            My Dear People of Planet EARTH!

Now I address not only the “Magniti Duha– Magnets of Spirit” who held their “11:11:11” SERVICES in different points — parts of the Globe — Earth, but ALL People who have turned Yesterday into the Unforgettable Day in Planet’s Life!

Yesterday (11-11-2011) the Waves of Human participation in the Earth reconstruction reached its culmination — summit. Nothing like that happened since 1987!

It was not the Harmonic Convergence, but an Event as powerful as the Convergence!

And the main distinctive characteristic feature of people’s world sensation yesterday was the realization of ONENESS, and it is so wonderful! The best Characteristic for the Triple Vibration “11:11:11” does not exist!

My beloved “magnitchiky” (the ones who are drawing — attracting to themselves; this word does not exist in Russian language or dictionary; it is a kind of innovation), 

Yesterday great changes took place in the realignment of Your Bodies, all bodies and not only physical ones!

The Fire of the Druids have helped to burn down a lot of negativity, and the Unity Fire restored in many of you the DNA deep memory and soon you will feel it.

Yet, the most important thing was your absolute Oneness — Unity with the Planet! You did manage to do it at full! And GAIA has sent the Heart impulse to each of you right into the depth of your Hearts.

And thank You also for joining the Most Important Ritual of the Day in ARKANSAS (at 11: 11, local time).

Yes, many of you could properly see some fragments of those events as once some of you had pertained to some Sacred Knowledge of the Atlanteans and the Lemurians that are coming to the surface now within  your consciousnesses, claiming their proper places in your lives.

My precious magnets, I happy that now on the Earth the events of greatest importance are taking place with your direct participation!

Thanks a lot to all those who actively joined into the Planetary Reconstruction yesterday! Those seekers who (before) were looking for the proper place in their life and the right way of assisting the Planet, perhaps, yesterday you finally DID IT!

I told about the approaching time of the avalanche of people awakening process would start rolling along the planet. And here it is! And, as was to be expected, the “11:11:11” Vibration has awakened this moment!

Yesterday the EARTH received inside:

The next in turn powerful Cosmic Impulse of Her Crystalline carcass completion; the New Codes of DNA awakening (both planetary and human); and also the New Programs of HER further development.

The programs of development in 2012 have been determined; and all remaining, concluding points of 2011 will place the final foundation under all 2012 events. Everything is near the completion in the best possible way!

And it brings even more happiness to watch how the Humankind is awakening, and, moreover, the Consciousness of Unity — ONENESS awakes too! And this is the most important result of the “11” Vibration Year.

My beloved Earthly People! I express — bring you gratitude from the whole Family of LIGHT, naturally, including Galactic Family. I have compared Yesterday’s People Awakening with the Harmonic Convergence not in vain.

One may say that the mystery of the Earth Resurrection Blue Flame Planet Miracle HAS COME TRUE!

            It was just a Remarkable Performance! It is worthy of Our CREATOR’s EYE! And CREATOR is proud of HIS Children, which had gone into the Duality Cognition profound experience.

The Experiment is a success, and this time, really, it is, coming to its completion very successfully! The Angels, who had descended to the Earth to gain a precious experiment for the Universal Treasure Box of Knowledge, have managed to cope with their Task and have already put their feet — stepped on the direct Ascension Path, leading HOME.

The “11:11:11” DAY Vibrations have created great transformations on the PLANET, inside PEOPLE and within whole GALAXY!

The EARTH was filled with LOVE; and this LOVE LIGHT had brimmed the EARTH SOUL, and then flowed into the Cosmic Space. The Planet has started to radiate wonderful Blue and Pick LIGHT!

The Crystalline Grid 144 completion has started successfully, and surely, it cannot be done within one day. It will take some time before all new Crystalline Grid structures will come into full operation.

The Sun Discs are synchronically transmitting the New Codes of completion. Everything goes on very harmoniously! And, mostly, it is thanks to you, People of the Shining Blue Perl!

You have done great investment into the creative work of ALL COSMIC BUILDERS through your desire to see the New EARTH, to LOVE and to live on It! Moreover, now YOU have been accepted into the Ranks of These Builders! Yes, yes, yes! It has come true! The Oneness of your Hears, your Souls, your creative strivings are worthy of this Event!

My precious, dearest hearts, so many great events have been come true and the beginning to so many Greatest Events and Accomplishments has been laid down! The whole EARTH was saturated with Love – Light Energies, by New Crystal Vibrations Waves, coming from CREATOR!

Everything was ready for the Bio-plasmatic Interface Crystal Activation.

Your Message of LOVE-LIGHT Energy was an additional impulse at the stating moment of this Crystal Activation in ARKANSAS!

The Fairy Event has come true! The same happened with the beautiful ceremony of the Crystal SKULLS activation – the KEEPERS of this Interface.

You will hear about it repeatedly, and will feel in your life the influence of the Greatest Changed that have taken place on the EARTH.

         With deepest gratitude for all those who were together with the Planet and you Kindred GALAXY! And the most important thing is that you were with Yourselves, My Angelic Beings!


Through Marina Shultz,

Translated from Russian, Larisa Bartone



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