06 – 03 – 12
Saint Germain
VIOLET FLAME Increases Its Influence
People of the EARTH, today I would like to speak about the VIOLET FLAME remarkable power, which you connect with My Name.
I think the time has come to expend your Knowledge about this exclusively important POWER in your LIFE.
I would like to emphasize your attention on the fact that this FLAME IS the GREAT POWER in your LIFE!
So, I shall start from the well-known fact:
Yes, your Heart holds many various Light constructions, for IT IS MULTIDIMENSIONAL.
And the VIOLET FLAME IS one of the extremely important Flames for YOU in the depth of your Hearts. IT MAY OCCUPY the whole space of your SACRAL HEART, if you DO NOT Forget to invoke and use IT.
And why do you forget about IT? –
Evidently, you either do not know about ITS existence, or your attention is being attracted to other arriving Knowledge, and it seems to you that the new Information is quite sufficient for you, and the well-known “old one” could be forgotten or withdrawn from use.
However, there is no better than to discover the “well-known truth” that comes back to you anew, shedding LIGHT on its new facets and possibilities.
That is why let us speak again about VIOLET FLAME of SAINT GERMAIN!
I shall reveal for you the source of this FLAME, though it is well- known to you.
And now when you have had the idea about the Fire Energy Supply System construction process, you know perfectly well about the Sacral Heart, the multidimensional space within you.
And the VIOLE FLAME of SAINT GERMAIN DWELLS right there, inside that Sacral Space.
It has always resided there, namely, within the Human Sacral Heart, and connected Him — Her with his – her original Spiritual Essence.
It is very important to remember it!
IT carries those vibrations which used to keep you “floating” in the dense world during the Duality Experiment. The VIOLET FLAME helped you to get to LIGHT, accomplishing connection with your Higher “Self.”
And it appropriate to speak about other functions of the VIOLET FLAME in People’s LIFE.
It never bothers you. It does not require any special attention for its activity. It has been always burning within the depth of your Sacral Heart, asking for attention to be paid, having the only meaning: you may use it or just leaving it alone and have nothing to do with its existence.
It is a great LIGHT potential inside you!
And it is up to you: whether you use this potential or keeping it reserved.
Many people have no idea about IT and therefore they are impoverishing themselves by their ignorance.
Yet, those who forget to invoke the VIOLET FLAME are also losing great opportunities in their life.
Let us consider everything methodically.
The Flame obtains the Violet Spectrum just because it is the highest frequency spectrum according to the Rainbow scale.
And you should realize it as the way out with the VIOLTT FLAME assistance into all your bodies’ higher vibrations.
When a human uses actively the VIOLET FLAME all Bodies’ changes and transformation – transmutation of will go easier and faster.
Bring to your memory the name KRYON gave to the 9-th layer of your DNA; HE called it the “Violet Flame of Saint Germain” layer. And that is why the VIOLET FLAME symbolizes that DNA layer which is responsible for you physical immunity.
It means just one thing: you can regulate your physical body by tuning it to the VIOLE FLAME of Saint Germain, automatically launching Healing and Rejuvenation processes. And it is just one of the examples of the VIOLET FLAME usage.
But its main predestination is:
IT has the strong power of purification and protection; it is true for any human being, the Planet and also for any LIFE form on the IT.
What does the “protective power” mean? –
Well, WE do not speak about a kind of antagonism against anybody… The PROTECTION should be built inside a Human Being. And one of the examples is “immunity.” However, there is such a notion as “spiritual immunity.” And the VIOLET FIRE may also become useful in building the TRUE SPIRITUAL WAY for ANY MAN. ONE just have to learn invoking IT to create one’s LIFE and together with it.
Well, let us proceed, for I would like to tell you the following:
And you will learn to use it soon!
Take into consideration that your HEART’s Sacred Space contains a lot of possibilities!
You should study them carefully, attentively, learning to work from within this Sacral Space.
And when you realize that the VIOLET FLAME IS one of the possible and powerful tools for Your Creative Activity, you will desire to stay with IT in absolute contact.
Now the VIOLET FLAME works all over the Planet and not only within each Hear of yours. Just the way it is in you, People, IT is centered within the Planet’s Sacral Heart.
The Transforming power of this FLAME IS SO GREAT that IT could be perfectly used for multitude purposes on planetary scale.
And now I start with the Main Purpose of My Message.
I would like to remind you what had been already told.
Starting with May 1, 2012 the Angels of the VIIOLET FLAME together with Archangel Metatron’s Forces have been increasing the VIOLET FLAME’S POWER on the Planet.
– Why is it necessary to do? And how long will it last? –
— It will last for the whole 2012 and the process will go on with growing intensity –
— What for? –
— The Violet Spectrum Flame is the best way in assisting the EARTH and Humankind to accomplish the exit from Duality.
And again, believe ME, I do not want to rush you excepting the NEW INFLUENCE of the VIOLET FLAME – ITS CREATIVITY, but the Events on the EARTH are developing with dramatic swiftness, and therefore it is necessary not just to have idea about all of them, but also to act in absolute accordance with New Planetary Possibilities.
Well, the VIOLET FLAME has become a little bit different, so far as I have already said that Its Influence had spread all over the Planet.
I work with this FLAME together with the corresponding Angelic Forces. And WE promote that the Unconditional LOVE Energy could, finally, be established and anchored on the Planet, opposing the previously dominated energies of separation and animosity.
You know that Violet color of the Flame is composed of: Pink and Blue. Namely, the PINK color carries the Unconditional LOVE vibrations.
And BLUE color now determines the Male Energy Power that has been changed by its characteristics.
And you may ask: “Well, where is the Feminine Energy”? –
Yes, IT is also present in this FLAME, represented by its New Quality.
When the Divine Male Energy unites in the harmonious combination with the Divine Feminine Energy they begin building a single beam, included into the VIOLET FLAM structure.
And it is an intensive BLUE Ray.
Now this Intensive Blue color you may observe in the surrounding Nature.
Therefore, now the VIOLET FLAME represents the Triad that corresponds to the current direction of your development.
The VIOLET FLAME in Its new aspect solves many modern tasks of the planetary reconstruction.
All Old World’s Energies could be transformed now if YOU assist the Planet to do it.
Yes, a lot depends on Your Actions, Dear Ones!
And the New qualities — facilities of the VIOLET FLAME have been given to you for this very purpose!
You already know what significant transformations are taking place now and are to happen with the EARTH and, accordingly, with ALL NATURE KINGDOMS.
The New Programs of all LIFE forms’ Development have arrived and will come in — by great influxes.
The VIOLET FLAME participates in the adaptation of all arriving programs to the EARTH, and therefore, there is sense for you to use more often the Flame abilities.
The renovating codes for you and the EARTH are coming not only from SURIUS, but also from the Great Central Spiritual SUN.
Now the whole Universe works assisting the EARTH!
And I would like ever so much that the Heart of each of you could respond and accept these possibilities – opportunities — dispensations!
You can start with old mantras and invocations to the VIOLET FLAME and then can use the new ones that I will certainly give you.
It will be easier for you to pass to the VIOLET FLAME’s new abilities if you start from the habituate rituals.
For those who have never worked with the VIOLET FLAME I would like to say the following:
You will always manage to join powerfully in the work with this FLAME. Many things are changing now and here learn to pick up everything in flight, swiftly introducing it into the Planetary Community Life. I say the “planetary community,” and not only for your own “Self.” Work globally! This is the pledge of success.
Let us proceed speaking about the VIOLET FLAME New Influence.
Numerous codes of changes – reconstruction and transformation are coming from the Great Central Spiritual SUN, three Suns of Sirius and our Sun.
The Threefold influx of the transforming influence is coming through the VIOLET FLAME now.
And in the culmination point of August (11 – 17) WE hope very much that the significant establishment of Unconditional LOVE Energy will happen on the Planet and it will create the long – awaited required conditions for graduate elimination of the duality energies. After that only individuals themselves will support the old energies consciously or unconsciously.
And now it is the concluding statement on the VIOLET FLAME increasing influence upon the EARTH.
WE, the VIOLET FLAME Hierarchy AFFIRM YOUR Transformation, (corresponding to the ASCENSION preparatory process) due to the VIOLET FLAME.
It goes without saying that many factors should be put together in order one could finally say:
Yet, do not take off from the account the VIOLET FLAME Influence! It is as the second to none tool will help your fastest transformation into the Five — dimensional Beings.
Work by — with IT in your Sacral Heart. Enfold yourself with this FLAME. Let it go through all your bodies’ cells. Work with IT using the methods prompted by your Consciousness and also your Heart.
Use this FLAME together with its extraordinary Violet spectrum for cleansing – purification – rectification — lustration and also for CREATION.
CREATION IS Its Main peculiarity now!
Start with small, not long and complicated services – invocations — regulations and then use the VIOLET Flame for Global problems solution.
My dear Friends, I happy to inform you that the VIOLET FLAME has entered into a New Phase of its existence and, accordingly, the recourses of working with it have changed, being extended.
Merge with the VIOLET FLAM of all YOUR and Planetary LIFE TRANSFORMATION!
By Marina Schultz
06 – 03 – 2012
Translated from Russian,
Larisa7777@aol.com Larisa Bartone
Prayers and Invocations to the Seventh Ray,
Royal Violet Flame of Transformation and Transmutation
Trough Aurelia Louise Jones
From the Lord GOD of my Being, I AM That I AM, I call to beloved Saint Germain and Your Legions of Cosmic Violet Flame Angels to com forth to infuse and saturate my Being with all activities of the Sacred Fie, especially the VIOLET FLAME of Transformation – Transmutation and Freedom.
Clothe me with your Cosmic Mantel of VIOLET FIRE of Transmutation, Transformation, Healing, Freedom, Diplomacy and the Science of true Alchemy.
- Dissolve and consume from my Being all that does not reflect perfect LOVE and Harmony.
- Trough Mercy’s Flame, transmute all errors of the past and barriers to my ASCENSION.
- Protect the Youth of this world in an Aura of VIOLET FLAME.
- With much gratitude, I ask this to be manifest in GOD’s Holy Name. And so BE it, Beloved I AM!
(Repeat the whole invocation three times)
In the name of I AM That I AM, I now call for the action of the VIOLET TRANSMUTING FLAME to be activated within my entire Consciousness, Being and World.
VIOLET FIRE from the HEART of GOD, (3 times)
Expand Thy LIGHT through me each day. (3 times)
Transmute and Heal my human imperfections into the
shining Diamond GOD’s HEART and CHRIST Perfection.
As I surrender to Thy Radiant LIGHT, take dominion over my life. Blaze into action the Mercy’s Flame of the Compassionate Heart. Expand and saturate within me the wonders of the VIOLET LIGHT until I AM totally transformed.
Beloved I AM Presence, send the VIOLET FLAME to purify every cell, atom and electron of my Being until I AM raised into my Eternal Victory by the action of the VIOLET FIRE and the ASCENSION FLAME.
And so it is, beloved I AM!
In the name of the Great I AM, I call for the LIGHT of a thousand Suns from the Great Central SUN, Angels of VIOLE FIRE, Beloved SAINT GERMAIN, Beloved ZADKIEL and Holy Amethyst, OMRI TAS, Ruler of the Violet Planet.
In the name of GOD, I AM That I AM! Saturate the EARTH and all of Her evolution with limitless waves of VIOLET FIRE. I call for the action of the VIOLET Transmuting FLAME and the action of the WILL of GOD to manifest on EARTH, now and forever, an ever increasing spiral of Divine Perfection. I call for discord and activities on EARTH that are not reflecting the Highest LIGHT and GOD’s HOLY PURPOSES to be miraculously swept and transformed by the Power of the VIOLET FLAME, into DIVINE LOVE and HARMONY for the restoration of EARTH and HER People into their original Blueprint of Perfection that was originally intended.
In the name of GOD, flood the EARTH, HER People and all HER Kingdoms with oceans and oceans of VIOLET FIFR until every particle of Life is restored to Divine Perfection. Ma PEACE and LOVE be spread throughout the EARTH! May the EARTH abide in the aura of Perfect LOVE!
May the EARTH abide in an aura of PEACE, LOVE and FREELOM! I give thanks that it is done now according to GOD’s Holy WILL!
And so be it, Beloved I AM!
In the name of my Beloved I AM Presence, in the name of GOD, I now call forth the action of the VIOLET FLAME of Transformation and Transmutation, of Compassion and Forgiveness in my Auric Field for the cleansing and purifying of every action, thought and feeling in my Heart, my Mind, my Solar Plexus and in all of my chakras. I ask the energies of the action of the VIOLET FLAME to permeate every cell, atom and electron of my four body systems at this moment and at all time, each day of my life, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
I ask for the healing of any distortions in my energy fields form past and present misunderstandings. I ask the energies of the VIOLET FIRE to start healing any imbalance in my physical, emotional and mental bodies. With much gratitude, I now ask for the action of the VIOLET FIRE to manifest in my energy fields in full power. And so BE it, Beloved I AM!
In the name of the great I AM, I call to beloved SAINT GERMAIN, to saturate the world with waves upon waves of VIOLET FIRE, to infuse every particle of LIFE, every man, woman and child on this Planet in an Auric Field of VIOLET FLAME to protect and to awaken them, I ask that this action be sustained until full perfection is restored.
In the name of the I AM, from the LORD GOD of my Being, I ask now that every cell, every atom and every electron of my four body systems, all my subtle bodies, every particle of life of who I AM in all dimensions and stated of Consciousness, be totally filled with the wonders and the miracle energies of the VIOLET FLAME of FREEDOM’s LOVE. I now ask to be filled again and again, 24 hours a day, each day of my Life. And so BE it, beloved I AM! (Breathe it in.)
I AM the VIOLET FLAME, blazing, blazing through me now.
I AM the VIOLET FLAME, infusing each one of my chakras.
I AM the VIOLET FLAME, activating each strand of my DNA.
I AM the VIOLET FLAME, erasing all human imperfection.
I AM the VIOLET FLAME, enfolding me with the LOVE of
I AM the VIOLET FLAME, tracing the way for my glorious
VIOLET FLAME, Oh, VIOLET FLAME, may you flood this entire Planet and all of Humanity in an Auric Field of your LIGHT, freeing and transforming all that is less that GOD’s Perfection! And so BE it, beloved I AM!
“The Mighty «I AM Presence» of GOD dwells within me and I create only GOOD for MYSELF, MY LOVED ONES and the WORLD I LIVE in.”
“I AM the Power that creates perfect Health, Abundance, Joy, Peace and Perfection in my Life! I have the Power to recognize PERFECTION in myself, in everyone and everything around me.”