Магниты Духа

WE ARE THE «GIANTS». /Aurelia Jones/

Channeled through Aurelia Louise Jones, Mount Shasta

We are the «Giants», the remnants of a very ancient civilization that most

of you have long forgotten. The millennia have come and gone, and we are

still here, in gradually decreasing numbers, at the hand of rapacious

loggers whose only consideration for us is the amount of money they can

rake from reducing our population day by day.

As a species of collective Devic Intelligence, our presence has graced

this planet for millions of years, way back to the time of the magical

Land of Pan. For millions of years, the people of this planet have held

the greatest awe and respect for the beauty and wisdom we hold and for the

deep sense of peace and harmony we radiate far and wide from the

surroundings where we abide. Those who have the ability to communicate and

interact with us consciously receive our gifts and the knowledge we

possess. Unknown to most of you, we have much knowledge and wisdom to

share. Someday, you will wake up to this reality, and wish you had been

more conscious of who we are and the important contributions we have made

on your planet.

We lived and thrived on the ancient continent of Lemuria, far beyond this

western shore. At one time, our Spirit and physical form were spread

nearly everywhere on this planet. At this time, we are the only survivors

on the surface of this planet of the glory and the beauty that once was.

We are the historians and your connecting link to your ancestors, of your

roots and your past-selves of the Lemurian civilization and beyond. People

have complained again and again that Lemuria was lost without any trace.

And we tell you that «we are here, unacknowledged». We are the Ones who

have survived the cataclysmic changes that occurred twelve thousand years

ago, and we have stayed here on your Pacific Coast for your benefit. Why

have you not recognized us and appreciate the great service that we, as a

species, have offered to your planet for so very long and the great

service we have continued to provide to you to this very day on your

coast, in spite of the gradual and constant destruction of our species by

your present unconscious civilization?

In the millions of years of our service to this planet, no civilization

has ever sought to eliminate us so heartlessly and callously as the

twentieth century American people have, at the hand of your industrial

giants, and with the full support of your government. Governments are

responsible to support the long-term benefit of the whole, as well as the

short term benefits, not only the short term benefits of the lobbying

exploiters. For the sake of a few dollars in the hands of the few, you are

eliminating your ancient heritage and destroying the Beings who are

protecting you. What you are doing, as an analogy, is the equivalent of a

biblical story you all know, of the one who traded all the wondrous gifts

and wealth of his birthright for a bowl of lentils. It can also be

compared to the dogs that bite the hands that feed and love them.

Always, in all regions and eras, we have been honored and loved for all

the gifts from the Earth we were able to freely distribute to all. Very

few people would ever consider destroying us the way it is done today in

this country, as it would have been considered an outrage and a raping of

one of Earth’s most precious treasures. The West coast of the United

States is now all that is left of ancient Lemuria’s last treasures; and up

until about 60 years ago, thousands upon thousands of acres graced and

blessed the West Coast of this country. Now there are only a few meager

strips of us left here and there «for show». All the beauty of the past is

about gone in the name of a false sense of «progress», and replaced with

much ugliness. You are so far removed in your awareness of true beauty and

values that few of you have even noticed. As a race and a humanity, where

have you invested your values?

Although most of us, as a species, have been destroyed by your modern

technology and because of your lack of awareness and consideration for the

treasures of this Earth, our Spirit continues to live. Every time one of

us perishes from the mechanical saws of the lumbermen, the Spirit of the

dying tree moves on to another dimension for a new incarnation where we

are loved, honored and appreciated. Our species, as a collective Devic

Intelligence, also lives in many higher dimensions of this planet and

beyond, where we thrive and where the inhabitants cherish our presence and

our gifts. We live in great numbers inside the Earth, in the Inner Earth,

the Middle Earth and the subter-ranean cities of this planet where we

grace the lives of the loving and wise beings who reside in those wondrous


You have so much more to learn, my friends, of the «real values» of Life!

If our words seem harsh to you, take them as a wake up call, a plea of

compassion for all other Life forms on this planet that are receiving

equivalent treatments from humanity that we do. Ultimately, when you have

reached a state of evolution high enough to understand the Eternals Laws

of Oneness with all life, you will know that the love and compassion you

accord to another, no matter form it takes, you are doing it for you own

benefit as well. As you trash the Earth and its many kingdoms, ultimately,

those energies will return to you. You will become, in your subsequent

incarnations, the recipients of your own trashing. These are the immutable

cosmic Laws of the One, which the whole of Creation is based on.

In all enlightened societies, no one ever cuts our bodies in the form of

giant trees for their personal uses (and never for profit) until our

incarnation in this form is complete and we have departed our Spirit from

that form. It is only then that the wood is cut with great respect and

skill, and used for multiple purposes. The wonderful wood we provide is

also part of the many gifts we endow this planet with. As a gift to you

all from our Spirit, we were never meant to be monopolized by a few

profiteers to be sold by multi-million industrial corporations who hold no

love or connection with Nature and Devic Evolution. We belong to all, no

one has any right to «own us» and «dispose» of us as they please. Neither

can you ever claim to own a piece of land. By Divine Rights, all land

belongs to the body of your beloved Earth Mother. She is sovereign. If you

think you own a piece of land or rights to some land, «at best», you are

only temporary stewards of that land, and you are totally accountable to

Higher Councils of what you do with it. Stewardship of land and animals

are major evolutionary initiations on the Path of Life. In all enlightened

societies, because wood is used wisely and judiciously, there is plenty

for everyone to supply all their needs without any ration or scarcity.

Have you ever noticed the difference in hurricane and tornado activity

between the East coast and the West coast? Have you ever wondered why the

West coast has not received the same amount of yearly cataclysms as it

occurs so frequently on the East coast? It is our desire to tell you that

the West coast has been spared so many potential calamities each year

because of «Our Presence». We are not «just trees» as you have been led to

believe in your lack of spiritual consciousness, we are much more than

that. Our tree form is just an outer shell, housing our Great Spirit.

Although our Spirit is incarnated in the form of giant trees, our

collective Spirit is vast, powerful, all encompassing and wise; beyond

your present limited understanding and evolutionary awareness.

We, the Redwood Trees, are the Guardians and Devas of the West Coast, and

because of our presence there, our love and our great protective powers,

this country has been spared many calamities from Nature. Please be

reminded that disasters from Nature are always caused by energetic

imbalances in Earth’s energy grids coming from vortexes of discordant

energies created and accumulated by humanity’s misuse of creative

energies, negative thinking and lack of the quality of Love towards each

other and towards all other Life Forms. We are the harmonizers of Nature

where we live, and our influence radiates far and wide. Over the

centuries, we have been able to absorb in our giant bodies much of your

discordant energies, thus, sparing the western hemisphere of the

consequences of many natural disasters.

When we were in greater numbers near your shore and on your coast, we were

much more effective in warding off potential mishaps or cataclysms coming

to your shore from the Pacific Ocean or elsewhere. Now, with our numbers

being reduced so drastically and daily by the false pretension of

«progress», without any thought or consideration for who we are, what is

our role in this area of your country, and without receiving any gratitude

for the great protection we have offered to your coast for so very long,

this is our warning.

Our number has now been reduced to the point that it is increasingly

becoming more and more difficult for us to continue to provide the West

coast with the protection we have been able to offer until now, and the

much greater protection you will actually need in a very near future.

We would like to add that by the steady reduction of our numbers by the

day, as you have been executing for the last several decades, you are

seriously putting your shores, the western land of the U.S. and its

inhabitants at a much greater risk of severe cataclysmic disasters. You

are carelessly, without further thoughts, destroying daily «The Guardians,

the Divine Beings» who have been protecting you, your shores and your land

for eons of time.

Once we become extinct from the axes and saws of those who regard us

simply as dollar signs, we are not coming back to this dimension. We are

going elsewhere to continue to serve, bless and radiate our purposes. The

rest of us will join the millions of our species who have already

departed. We are immortals in our souls, just like you are. The death of

our bodies will be «your great loss» in this country as you will soon find

out, and a loss for the third dimension of this planet. If we cannot

continue to do what we are here to do, we will move on to greener pastures

where love, light and honor reigns and where we will be appreciated.

We are very grateful to Aurelia Louise for taking the time to hear our

call deep from within the recess of her heart and soul, and for taking

note of the urgent message we have been longing to share with mankind for

so very long, before it is too late.

We have cradled you with our protection, love, wisdom, our peace, harmony,

beauty, wood and oxygen; we have adorned your landscape for millions of

years in each of your many incarnations. You know us as we know you.

Because of your fall into such great density of consciousness, and

unconsciousness as you find yourself in this important time of Earth’s

transition, you have forgotten your roots and your ancestry, and you have

forgotten who you truly are. You no longer acknowledge the Earth as your

Mother, an awesome Celestial Living, Breathing Being of the highest order

and intelligence, a Being that is loved, cherished and honored throughout

all the planets of this solar system, the many galaxies of this universe

and all other universes far beyond this one. She is the One who has

sponsored your personal evolution on Her body with such great Love,

abundance and nurturing, for so very long, totally unconditionally, no

matter what you have done to Her body. She has allowed you to damage,

poison and destroy parts of Her body countless number of times in order to

assist you in forging your evolutionary pathway. You have raped Her

resources, drained Her blood represented by the oils inside Her body, and

killed and mutilated Her children.

Many of you are recklessly destroying large segments of land and habitat

of the many kingdoms that She also hosts on this planet besides evolving

humanity. You have been brutal to Her innocent ones from the animal

kingdom and you have been brutal with each other. She considers all beings

of Her many kingdoms as Her children, no matter what form they take. She

loves all equally. You have forgotten that all kingdoms evolving on this

planet, known or unknown to you have equal rights to live here and share

this planet, no matter what form they have.

Mankind was never given dominion on this planet as a passport to abuse and

destroy other kingdoms, including us. The dominion mankind was given was a

passport to learn dominion over his own «lower nature», in order to return

to his original divinity and innocence.

We are sending you an «SOS» call today through this channel. Do what you

may to preserve what is left of us. The time is getting very short. You

are now so very close to a time where you will need our protection more

than ever before. If there is no longer enough of us to provide the

protection you will be in need of during the Earth changes that are almost

over your head at this time, you will then have to ward off the

consequences of your karmic creations without the added benefit of our

protection. And then, you will know, and we repeat, you will know!!! You

will be calling on us in your soul, and it will be too late. Our Spirit

will be living elsewhere, in the Lands of Love and Appreciation.

We are the Spirit of Redwood Trees, we are the loyal friends who have

loved and cherished all of you for so very long. We are the Wise Giants

who have cradled and nurtured all civilizations on your planet from the

very beginning. We are Devas who hold Great Powers, and we are also part

of the Protection Team for this planet. We are the faithful servants of

your blessed Earth Mother.



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