My Dear Children of the Springing Up New EARTH,
Today I, ELL MORYA have come to express My Gratitude to All of YOU who took part in the Wonderful Action of Our Beauty – GAIA Flora and Fauna Protection.
WHAT ALL of YOU HAVE CREATED together today does not have analogues in the entire history of Your Civilization Existence!
A great number of YOU responded the SOS – Call for HELP sent by Our Beloved Brothers and Sisters, Inhabitants of Our Planet’s Seas and Oceans.
The entire Submarine World is Triumphing watching the Active Awakening of the Human Kingdom!
You have created the wonderful Golden Spheres of Protection around the shoals of Whales and Dolphins, and also around Each of THEM.
In these Energetic Spheres THEY finally felt themselves safe, being surrounded by Your LOVE and GRATITUDE towards THEM. Within these Energetic Spheres finally They feel secure, being surrounded by Your LOVE and Gratitude to Them.
The Powerful Thought-forms meant to cease the Whales and The Red — Wood Trees – Sequoia Trees destruction were also sent to THEM.
BELIEVE ME, the Consciousness of those who has not awaken yet will start slowly awakening; naturally, it will not happen instantly, not all of a sudden, but gradually.
Therefore, in order to fasten – secure and intensify those wonderful Energies, sent by YOU today, it is suggested to carry out at least TOW additional Actions of Flora and Fauna Protection on the EARTH at 12: 12 (Greenwich Time) or any time convenient for YOU (09 – 12 – 12; 10 – 12 – 12; …)
If YOU could only see that Joyful Excitement that reins among the inhabitants of the Submarine Kingdom!
Their Call for Help HAD BEEN HEARD, and not just “HEARD,” but it was also RECEIVED or even GRASPED by the HUMAN HEARTS!
Finally, People have learned the Entire Truth about THEM, and also about that Great Mission which the Whales and Dolphins had come to Accomplish on the Planet of the Blue Flame!
If YOU could only know for How Long THEY Have Been Waiting for Your Awakening!
And here IT IS! The long – awaited TIME HAS COME and People at various points of Your Planet have JOINED their Hearts and Thoughts and by One Single — United Impulse They Sent the Divine Love Flows, that are pouring from the Their Hearts!
MY HEART was rejoicing today, watching the Great Unification of People when they were assisting Their Brothers and Sisters in Mind.
Today IS. Truly, a GREAT DAY and it is not only because the People responded the CALL FOR HELP, but because the GREAT UNIFICATION of HEARTS HAS TAKEN PLACE!
The Powerful Release of Divine Energy of LOVE HAS
Happened on the EARTH!
And I would like to remind YOU something, concerning this fact, MY beloved Children. In a couple of days the Anniversary of the First Harmonious Convergence that happened 25 years ago, in 1987.
And what YOU have created TODAY HAS lifted to some extent both Your Vibrations and also the Vibrations of Beloved GAIA.
MY Children, no wonder that Ell Morya’s Heart is rejoicing watching HOW YOU ARE AWAKENING, GROWING and MOVING by gigantic steps into Your Evolution!
The entire FAMLY of LIGHT and ME (personally) are Grateful to You for the Work that YOU have fulfilled!
The Entire UNIVERSE IS Applauding You for
Received by Aestra. 08 – 12 – 12
Translated from Russian, Larisa Bartone