Магниты Духа

Message from Saint Germain, 08.18.2011.

My beloved Earthly People! The constant control over the state of your Heart Centers has already started.

You may ask: “And who is directing or managing it?” And you will be absolutely right!

Yes, the Higher “Self” of each person on the planet Earth has started to fulfill control over the work perfection of the whole Chakra system, (without any dependency on the Human Spiritual level), as the period starts when the Humans’ Higher “Selfs” begin to take power over their shells  — casings – covers into Their Own Hands, (if it is possible to put  like that in the frames of the earthly language).

Therefore, just because of this the closest attention is paid to the work and state of HEART, as a concentrator and conductor of Love Energy and, accordingly means, the activation of Buddha Principle.

The Heart Chakra becomes the Center of the United Chakra System and that is why All Higher “Self” Energy goes into Its earthly person through this Center.

And now the most important thing for you to know:

This process, literally, happens to everybody, but with different speed. The more it is realized that this reconstruction – transformation is taking  place, the faster a Man – Human Being will get at his \ her disposal not just an Access to the Chakra system, but to a quite new type  and principal  of the Chakra system work.

About the meaning — importance of HEART   was told a lot in the “Agni Yoga” Teaching by El Moriya (last century; through Helena I. Roerich).

In ancient times they know about the significance of the HEART position, as a Centering Power. Yet, only right now the HEART Triumph is happening, as IT is becoming the true and inevitable Master of Chakra systems and unites them into one Energy network by means of the New Energy and the name of this Energy is well-known to you – LOVE!

Now you cannot relax, thinking that nothing should be done on your own.

The activation of special processes in your whole Angelic Structure is taking place and at the same time it is necessary to realize what is going on, and the most important thing – where it leads you to!

The transformation – reconstruction, that is similar to the transformation of your Planet, is happening within you. If one approaches to or views all of is happening intelligently, then it is possible very quickly to become an absolutely different Man both materially and energetically.

I should say, that the transformation of Chakra system if needed, first of all, for the purpose that you could start to transfer to the actions under the leadership of the Human Being Seventh Principle  — Buddha.

The Buddha Principle has started Its awakening in People, without waiting for Ascension.

And in the more number of people It finds Its awakening, the more quantity of People will go smoothly with ease and grace through the threshold of Ascension, as the LOVE channel will work through HEART steadily  and surely, without tension and break offs.

I would like to give you some practical recommendations for your Heart Center awakening and all the rest Chakras activation in a new working regime and interrelation. They can be formulated as an Intension.

Let’s start with Heart Chakra Awakening:

I am (your name), invoke My Higher “Self ”to awaken the Buddha Principle within me through my Heart.

I ask my Heart to get opened wide before the Love stream, flowing from the God Source, filling all the Chakras of my Bodies with IT and transfer them into the new frequency range of work.

I invoke My Higher “Self” to balance and harmonize all existing energies within me for releasing the New Love Energy and taking hold of it through the New System of Chakras.

I appeal to My Higher “Self to bring My Heart work absolutely Its control — the control of My Higher “Self,” Love and Wisdom.

I call up My Higher “Self” to do all necessary changes in my Chakra system, making them harmonious and tuned-in to the surrounding me changes of Planetary Scale.

I ask My beloved Higher “Self” to work always through my Heart and produce a steady thread of connection between us.

I ask my beloved Higher “Self” to make the work of my Heart possible at the moment of Planet Ascension to so tightly merged with You so I could safely take refuge in the depth of My Heart and fulfill all necessary actions during the Ascension Process.

I ask You, My beloved Higher “Self,” to provide the work concerning all my Chakras unification of all my bodies into One whole Chakra of Heart activity, transmitting only the Principles of LOVE, WISDOM and Expediency of all my actions in the Buddha Ray.”

Hopefully, this small Intension — Meditation will be able to help you to set your Heart Center work in the Ray of Higher “Self” and unite all Chakras into a United Chakra. It will help you to get adjusted to and within the New Love Energy and give you the possibility to use it maximally in your current life, while preparing you for New Life.

My beloved People! My Greetings to You which are staying on the “Receptacle of LOVE” Planet

GAIA announced to Us this joyous news yesterday. And I would like to add just one thing that the Chakra System Changes and revealing of Buddha Principal through your Heart control will give you an undisputable right to be the First and True inhabitants of this newly resurrected Receptacle of LOVE. So, take My best congratulations on this occasion!

My beloved inhabitants of Planet EARTH, there is just some time left before the Planet Ascension. And today I am helping you to reach success in the preparation for the coming Ascension and the role of the New Chakra System is not placed as the last one in it.

For the current — present day the old system does not provide you with the required influence. The New transformation – reconstruction of this system is already under way! Reinforce the endeavoring of your Higher “Self” in its transformation in the New Energies. You should be extremely interested and involved in doing it.

And now let’s work with another practice – meditation:

I am (name), invoke My Higher “Self” through My Heart.

Dear Heart, will you open Itself as Lotus of Love and embrace – enfold all my chakras!

My dear Heart, saturate with Love all my bodies and build a Light Bridge between all levels of my existence.

Dear Heat, illumine with Love me inner world and give me happiness to be Healthy, Young and harmoniously tuned to the whole World.

Beloved Heart, embrace with oneself not only all my bodies, but also the whole Earth, all Solar System, the whole Galaxy and our Universe!

My dear Heart, will you give me Star Wings, which Light I have brought to the Earth.

My beloved Heart, illumine the space of my life with the Light of New Unconditional Love and the Joy of Being — Existence.

Dear Heart, will You become my Guiding Star during the last days of duality and in the New Life.”

My beloved people of Earth, I have started to notice in you the tendency to stay away from solving especially important life issues. And I mean it. I am sure that there are quite a lot of people now who are seeking the answers for the burning issues of your everyday life. However, many people even escape from contemplation over the coming changes both on the Planet and within yourselves.

You cannot do it now! Just for your own sake – it is not allowed to do! Now, as never before, it is necessary to take all these changes into your own hands actively and perfectly consciously.

And the main task of a contemporary Man is the preparation for Planet Ascension and your own Ascension. To get ready for the New Life is the task of each person – each human being.

And WE are helping you to do the most important steps in this not a simple one, but a very necessary preparation. WE explain you everything in details without hiding anything in a rather simple way. WE assist you even in that case when you just express your Intensions and ask US assistance. Yet, WE cannot do all for you instead of you. You have to do it yourselves! Anyway, your will – wishing takes the first place.

Give your life perorates to that what will endeavor your Evolutionary Awakening and movement to the New Era of your Earth development. 

Be extremely attentive to yourselves now, for the priority of your Salvation and Successful Ascension is within it. Stay with US! And right now All Light Forces as with You, as never before!

With Love to the Light Bearing Angels!

Saint Germain   

Through Marina Shults

Translated from Russian

With revelation

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